Italian Terrain 2008

Dinu said... wonder if the families, when they were notified, were also told where their loved ones were buried.
Dinu, I'd be grateful if you'd leave advertising links off your comments. (Deleted) BL

Pat Tobin (Ireland) said...Such a beautiful, sad place. Men who left homes, wives, families hoping to return, now here forever. Sad, and I pray for them. God bless.
26 April 2008

Anonymous said...Many thanks to Rocco! The pictures are very serene, with no traces of the war other than their own gravestones; also very sad, to think of these small outposts of the fallen, so very far from home. I wonder if the families, when they were notified, were also told where their loved ones were buried. (It was probably unlikely that the majority of the families could have made the journey to these small faraway cemeteries, but I'm sure it would have been nice to know where they were!)
April 26, 2008

Just a small moan. I've cleared ALL the advertising off the site - because I just don't want to go that way. I get a steady trickle of "comments" that are actually concealed ads. Today, I got a whole load from a UK loans company wishing to steal advertising space on Harry's blog. They use several "Blogspot" addresses. Steve Cadick, (probably not his real name), Please don't do it. BL

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