Anonymous said... I love this site! Thank you sooo much for all your posts!
December 30, 2009
Anonymous said...Moving to Tortona, a town on the main railway line: Harry must be so hopeful that maybe now, finally!, he might be moving one step closer to home. This postcard doesn't say anything like that, but I imagine he wouldn't want to suggest it either, in case he gets stuck somewhere yet again.
December 28, 2009
Linda said...Wishing you and yours a very merry christmas and a happy new year.
December 23, 2009
Janell said...Bill, It is somehow fitting that Rocco has sent a Christmas card this year. He has been your most supportive friend through this. He even invited you to Italy and went with you to Harry's old haunts this summer. As we wait for Harry's War to come to an end, I would like to thank you again, for presenting your grandfather's WWI experience to the world and producing his book. Janell
December 23, 2009
I have been most fortunate in acquiring many good friends, world-wide, through the blog. I've been lucky enough to meet up with a few. Thanks to all. BL
Gustav's greatgranddaughter said... Merry Christmas to Harry, whom so many of us have folded into our own families; to his grandson Bill Lamin, who has shared this treasure with us; to Harry's wife and son, who lost years they should have had with him; and to those like Rocco, who have helped expand even more on the bare bones of Harry's diary.
To all of you: Peace on Earth, and Goodwill to Man!
December 23, 2009
Sgt Sam Avery said... Hello Harry: Sorry to hear that you are still in place, but as you say being in good health is something. As for me, just returned from a leave and am back in the hospital. The flu is here now and they take no chances. Stop by for a read when you can.
December 19, 2009
History said... nice article, 1 and 2 world wars are a tragic period !
December 21, 2009
Anonymous said...It was rather interesting for me to read the post. Thank you for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.
December 21, 2009
Kolobos said...the title of the post must be "...11th DECEMBER 1919".
In any case, thank you for this excellent blog. Guido
December 10, 2009
Oops! Corrected that now. Thank you. BL
Nanny (Shirley) said... Just in case you are not home soon - Happy Christmas Harry, I'll keep praying that you will see your family soon!
December 09, 2009